Project Comenius
Are young people today planning their careers in a traditional way, or are they thinking in a wider European context? As one the key policy priorities for the EU (*1.2.1. School development, leadership and links with the world of work), this project will involve partners from both school and the outside world. We will develop pedagogical strategies to lead our pupils to a better understanding of professional life and help them to develop entrepreneurial skills.
The basic idea of this Comenius school partnership is learning, documenting, evaluating and putting into practice activities related to preparing the career path of students.
Different jobs, especially those for women, have changed dramatically over the years, and this needs to be reflected in our educational system. Our partner schools will document best practice and the make it accessible to all European partners in order to prepare a career path for young Europeans. Our aim is to give pupils the opportunity to plan for their future in a wider European context and to stimulate our students' sense of initiative.
In shared work-experience the modules learned in different partner schools will be presented and experienced by students and teachers alike, who will take their learning back to their own schools to create new, more up-to-date schemes of learning.
Through questionnaires and other documented and assessed evaluation methods, we want to find out if young Europeans are already thinking on a European level in terms of career planning. Detailed content, schedules and responsibilities will be distributed to the different partners and discussed and developed further as the project advances.
Sub-programme: COMENIUS
Action: COMENIUS Multilateral school partnerships
Deadline: 21-02-2012
Project title: Working in Europe - Jobs from the Past to the Future
- Eötvös József Általános Iskola, Budapest, Hungary, (project coordinator)
- IE JACINT VERDAGUER, Sant sadurni d'anoia, Spain,
- Vatialan koulu, Kangasala, Finland,
- ZŠ Park Angelinum, Košice, Slovakia,
- Belle Vue Boys' School, Bradford, United Kingdom,
- Burgsitzschule Spangenberg, Spangenberg, Germany,
- Shaw Wood Primary School - English, Doncaster, United Kingdom
Expected results:
- picture collages - how students see themselves, their school and their surroundings
- website
- e-twinning website
- project mascot
- diaries
- posters and brochures
- documentary - role of women
- exhibition - craftwork
- ppt presentation
- collection of job related songs
- documentary - interviews our present and new jobs